Business Recovery

Business Recovery & Turnaround


Rescue is our top priority. The key is sooner rather than later!!

    • - Stop HMRC & Creditor Pressure
    • - Support for Directors & Companies in Distress
    • - Restructuring and Turnaround advice

MMC are an associate member or the R3 Community


Seven stages of business recovery:

Restructuring is a process that aims to ensure that companies and groups are profitable and have a healthy cash flow. Very broadly, it can take two forms: financial restructuring (where a company looks to restructure the debts it owes to its creditors) and operational restructuring (where the company looks to change the way a company is structured, or how it works).

Unlike corporate insolvency procedures, a licence is not needed to provide restructuring advice, MMC have many years' experience of helping businesses recovery

Financial restructuring looks at reorganising the company's financial structure, with the aim of improving the value of the company and retaining the confidence of its shareholders, investors and key stakeholders.

Operational restructuring is a process which aims to make a company and its business model profitable by identifying which areas of the company are underperforming and how they can improve. It does not focus on a company's financial performance (apart from whether areas of the business are profitable or loss making), but instead explores how the business can return to profitability by improving its product and service offering and how it runs on a day to day basis.

Generally, turning a failing business around takes a specialist approach and there are many factors involved but a few key pointers are as follows:

    • - Analysis
    • - How can the business survive?
    • - Speed is of the essence
    • - Financial Plan

Creditors, banks and staff must see a clear and achievable plan for future success showing how & when debts will be paid if they are going to support a business turnaround proposal.

With the current state that the economy is in today, getting your debts sorted out and your finances back on track should be your priority.

Do not Wait, Get Help